Vzita, visitor management system: Making educational institutes a safe and secured place.
Being in school management, have you ever wondered how many visitors visit your school in a day and how their entry is permitted? What verifies your visitors and note down their premises in and out time? Do you authenticate your visitors before approving their entry? In last few years, schools from different regions have encountered many mishaps in the premises. In most of the cases, some intruder with a wrong intention has entered the school and innocent kids have fallen prey to the intruder’s evil instinct. In every case, either the criminal has given the wrong information at the gate or has entered pretending to be someone else which is enough to escape the security check of the schools. Everyone blames the school security guards in such cases but fact is, they are always occupied with multiple engagements and cannot perform authentication of every visitor. Security guards occupancy unintentionally gives the criminal, an easy way to enter and commit the crime. ...